For this month’s “customer of the month” we interviewed Luciano, director of Ortopedia Sabbatini, Senigallia.

Hello Luciano, can you tell us how Ortopedia Sabbatini was established?

Ortopedia Sabbatini was set up in 1985 in Senigallia. The business was an expression of my fascination with orthopaedics, and our family has been running it for more than thirty years now.

What were the main stages in the development of the business?

Over the years, orthopaedics has grown, with increasing specialisation in orthopaedic techniques and an ever larger offering of commercial products.

The first important stage in our story was in 1992, when we greatly expanded our original premises.

A second major change occurred in 2005 and 2006, when we decided to separate our commercial side from the laboratory. The Ortopedia then separated into two adjoining facilities: the ortho-prosthetics clinic, hosting medical studies and specialist examinations, and the shop itself.

How would you describe the business today?

From the technical point of view, and hence as regards the orthopaedics clinic, what makes us stand out, along with our professionalism, is the creation of a network of specialists with whom we work as an integrated team. Our clients know that they can count on the services of professional podiatrists, physiotherapists and specialised orthopaedic technicians.

And on the commercial side?

We have always focused on quality. At Sabbatini, our clients know that the products we sell are of the highest quality. For me, for my employees and family, verifying the quality of the products we purchase is essential to our business, and constitutes a guarantee to our clients.

What does the future hold for Sabbatini?

For the near future, I think it’s ever more important to consolidate our work as a cohesive, specialised team able to respond to the very specific requirements of our clients. Our closeness to the Senigallia Hospital has always facilitated this side of our work, and we will continue to make it a priority in future.

Ortopedia Sabbatini has been a Moretti customer for many years, what traits do the two companies share, in your opinion?

Our close attention to the quality of the products we sell is perfectly matched by your product portfolio. Even when we’ve had a small problem with your products, you’ve always been flexible, proactive and ready to accept our suggestions, and you’ve always taken quick action to solve the issue. We know we can count on Moretti!

Thank you Luciano!

Ortopedia Sabbatini Stradone Misa 4 Senigallia ph. 0717924176

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