For this month’s “customer of the month” we interviewed “La carrozzineria”. A company with over 30 years of experience behind it and a clear vision of its own future.

We asked Ignazio Milioto, the founder and creator, to tell us about the history, present and future of “La Carrozzineria” and what makes it truly unique.

Ignazio, could you tell us how “La Carrozzineria” came to be?

The wheelchair company was set up in the 1970s, as a cooperative formed of people with and without disabilities.

At that time, there was a wheelchair repair service and “La carrozzineria” was set up precisely with the purpose to satisfy that need.

In 1980, La Carrozzineria was transformed into a limited liability company and one that could also offer other products and the possibility of customising them.

How would you describe “La Carrozzineria” now?

“La carrozzineria” is currently a young and dynamic company, “custom-designed” to meet the needs of our customers. Whenever we encounter an elderly person, a person with a disability or their relative, we try to understand their actual needs. We work with them to create a relationship of trust and make them feel that someone is listening and available to help. Anyone who knows us is aware of this! They will always be greeted with a smile.

What sets you apart from your competitors?

The approach I mentioned before is not just a way of doing things, it is the way we create valued relationships! We want to offer solutions that give people their independence back, with features that always reflect the actual needs of the purchaser. The relationship never ends when the purchase has been made: we are always on hand for any assistance and consultancy needs.

What do you see in the future of La Carrozzineria?

I see us continuing to do what we do now! Our customers rely heavily on the service component and that will become even more important and specialised in the future. The service we currently offer is not based just on listening and assistance. It is a genuine orthopaedics workshop, offering customisation, changes or repairs.

Your logo is a clown in a wheelchair going rather clumsily down a flight of steps, isn’t it?

That’s right! Our logo is the words “La carrozzineria gives you independence”, with the figure of a clown in a wheelchair going down a flight of steps. Trust me, that gives a pretty good idea of our company!

Our aim is to make every customer smile and also convey the happy, light-hearted and slightly ironic spirit with which we work. We want people who purchase our wheelchairs to have a large grin on their faces as they enjoy a new sense of freedom and autonomy.

Your relationship with Moretti is recent, but continually growing. What traits do you share?

Yes, we have been working with Moretti for some time now and we hit it off right away. Moretti is a skilled, well-prepared, professional and precise partner.

Perhaps what struck me the most about you is your ability to listen, understand and satisfy our needs!  I think all the foundations are there for a long and healthy relationship!

Thank you Ignazio! Keep up the good work  

Thank you!

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Moretti Service and Consulting è un’agenzia di comunicazione specializzata in ambito healthcare. MSC è un vero e proprio spin off aziendale, un comparto con competenze specialistiche in ambito comunicazione e marketing in grado di bilanciare le esigenze di distinzione ed innovazione che muovono la presentazione di ogni nuovo progetto con le normative e le codifiche che regolano la proposizione sul mercato di ausili e dispositivi medici.

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