What does the Moretti business proposal include?

The answer to this question is very long. Moretti has spent the past 40 years specialising in various sectors and now includes mobility and autonomy aids, solutions for home care, specialist medical and hospital devices and many other products in its business proposal.

We have a total of eleven brands, each with its own specific identity, covering the various product types and with entirely different aims and means of communication.

Our presence in orthopaedic and medical supply stores throughout Italy has become increasingly multi-faceted over time, resulting in a range of products that is increasingly complex for specialised operators and final users alike.

Moretti display stands

In early 2019, Moretti therefore decided to start a trial project in a small number of orthopaedic shops in Italy, in order to improve the way it communicates about its products and to simplify organisation of the product spaces and displays in orthopaedic and medical supply shops.

The project involved the introduction of specific and contemporary Moretti display stands in selected shops. The display stands have a painted iron and plexiglass structure and supports and easily interchangeable flaps can be inserted, based on the product being displayed. They are a simple and immediate means of communication with which to present Moretti products to the final customer.

The test phase of the project focused on a group of orthopaedic and medical supply shops, in which, depending on the spaces available and the specific features, the display stands dedicated to Sinfonia travel pillows or normal pillows, walking sticks and crutches, chest braces and heating pads, bathroom aids, pulse oximeters and thermometers, were installed.

The results for the first quarter of this year, compared with the same period of 2018, confirmed an increase in average revenues at the tested orthopaedic shops, equal to double the company trend.

This is an excellent result that led us to open the project up to any orthopaedic or medical supply shop that wants to introduce these innovations. It offers an immediate and effective means of communicating about our complex range of products and the quality that characterises Moretti and the benefits of each specific product.

Orthopaedic and medical supply shops interested in the project can contact their own agent or contact us directly for further information.

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