It was 1995 when a family of entrepreneurs that had been performing industrial, business and services activities in the energy, environment and healthcare sectors for over a century founded Medikron in Rome.
Medikron, currently the creator of the first Cash & Carry in the Medical sector, is a dynamic and continually evolving company. It is a success story that has never slowed down and a point of reference for all healthcare and medical sector operators in Lazio and Central Italy.

What has always distinguished Medikron is a business approach that focuses on investments in human resources, skills and structures. Medikron has placed not only quality of the service supplied at the centre of its activities, with continual investments to optimise management of logistics, but also the quality of the product it offers to customers, with careful selection of its suppliers in terms of product quality and reliability.

The history of the company, as described to us by Fabiana Costi, the daughter of Dr. Bacigalupo, who has always been the heart and soul of the company, is a succession of research activities and projects performed to keep pace with, and sometimes anticipate, sector trends.

Medikron created its own e-commerce channel on the website way back in 2000, interfacing management of online sales with its own warehouse and introducing a purchasing system that has extended the Medikron customer base across the entire country.
The year 2000 also saw inauguration of the “Medical market”, a retail solution where, as Fabiana tells us, “private customers can find the convenient prices of the wholesale market”.

The success of the “Medical Market” was followed by two major innovations in 2011. The very first “Cash & Carry” of the medical sector does, in fact, date to 2011, together with a complete transformation and reorganisation of the Medikron warehouse. This was an innovation, extension and optimisation project that improved order fulfilment times and the price-quality ratio offered to the customer.

Subsequent steps were complete restructuring of the e-commerce website in 2014, which will be followed by the launch of a completely new one in 2019, and doubling of the floorspace of the Cash&Carry in 2017.

This year saw the opening of a new warehouse with floorspace of a full 2000 m2 in Pomezia.
Medikron, as Fabiana tells us, currently has over 17,000 customers throughout Italy, 12,000 articles ready for delivery, over 200 suppliers, a display space and wholesale trading areas of 1,500 m2 in Rome and, since 2013, an exclusive affiliate for the Abruzzo and Marche regions.

What links Medikron and Moretti?

“The first order from Medikron to Moretti dates to 13 June 1996. This goes a long way to explaining the relationship between us. You could say we have grown up together”. That is how Fabiana describes a partnership that has become closer and closer over the years. Moretti has always been a Medikron supplier and has supported it through all its transformations. The two companies have many things in common, such as a management style based on quality and constant innovation and prioritising human resources, skills and structures.
The cornerstones of both companies’ future development will be continual optimisation of the service provided to the customer, in terms of order fulfilment times and after-sales services, and the continual effort to improve the price-quality ratio and thus increase their competitiveness on the market.

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