For this month’s “customer of the month” we interviewed Roberto Ruggiero of Ortopedia Ruggiero. Roberto, who is 31 years old, perfectly understands the close link between rehabilitation and orthopaedic prosthetics and takes a new and integrated approach to them.
It is precisely this unprecedented and effective modus operandi that sets Ortopedia Ruggiero apart and has allowed it to achieve excellence rapidly.

Hello Roberto. Tell us a little bit about the company now?

Ortopedia Ruggiero is currently a multifaceted and innovative company. The company is located in Cardito and has total floorspace of over 2500 m2, including a specialised laboratory that manufactures orthopaedic insoles, prostheses, corsets and braces. The company also offers an innovative mobile orthopaedic workshop service, a specific rehabilitation project for amputees, an assistance service for wheelchair purchasers and an aids store, where our specialised staff accompany the disabled, their relatives or operators in selection of the best aid for them. Our staff is also trained in both assessment of the correct posture in a wheelchair and in ACC (augmentative and alternative communication) clinical practice, which offers disabled people the chance to translate their thoughts into a set of intelligible signs for the person with whom they are communicating.

How do you see your company’s future?

My company was founded with a passion and a desire to innovate and this remains, as we look towards a future focused on innovation and new technologies. For example, I was among the first to invest in photogrammetry, an evolved and innovative system of obtaining body measurements from photographs. Ortopedia Ruggiero has always set great store by training and we regularly organise advanced training and retraining courses on the various orthopaedic techniques at our Competence Center in Casoria.
The people currently building and who will continue to build the future of the company are my children, to whom I have passed on my passion for orthopaedics. We are together and united in our desire to make a real difference in the life of people with disabilities.

You have been a Moretti customer for many years now. What draws you to Moretti?

We have established a solid relationship with Moretti and we have come a long way together, side by side, in our shared desire to offer products and solutions that improve the quality of life of the elderly and the disabled. In Moretti, I see the solidity and professionalism of a company that has known the market for forty years, but is also open to the innovation and change that allows us to look towards the future in total harmony.

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