We are living through difficult and uncertain times. These are hard times and we have had to make sacrifices, accustom ourselves to new codes of social contact and to living with the constant concern for our health.

We are fighting an invisible enemy, a virus that the scientists continue to study and that we are being asked to fight firmly and precisely, by protecting ourselves with masks, social distancing and hygiene.

The rules are simple, clear and easy to follow for everyone. However, we have to remember that each single aspect is important. Social distancing is not enough on its own. Masks are not enough on their own. The rules of hygiene, though essential, are not enough to keep us completely safe.

We recently discovered this image on the Internet:

It is a simple, but very clear diagram. There are holes and flaws in each “slice of cheese” and they can only be covered by placing one slice on top of another. The same applies for the rules.

To use another metaphor, the virus is like a game of chess. Every single pawn can make the difference and we have to remember to think like a single and determined player concentrating on the game.

An interesting article on this concept was published in El País newspaper a few days ago. The article examines the spread of the virus in enclosed spaces, and dwells particularly on what happens in a waiting room, a bar and a schoolroom.


Like the “Swiss cheese” model, the article examines the incidence of frequent and correct ventilation of enclosed spaces, the time spent in the same environment and use of masks to demonstrate the importance of each aspect, in percentage values.

So where do we start to protect ourselves better?

We start with our determination in fighting the virus, in our ability to join forces with the community in which we live, focusing our energy on precise and diligent compliance with each rule of protection.

For its part, Moretti is working every day to offer support to the territory and to supply the National Healthcare System and private individuals with the medical devices and personal protective equipment needed to stop the virus spreading.

Our surgical masks

Our Prestige brand surgical masks are currently available throughout Italy, in orthopaedic and medical supply stores and pharmacies, in boxes of 50 masks, divided into 10 packets containing 5 masks each.

Prestige surgical masks are the result of our research and specific skills and are quality-certified medical devices. They have an adjustable metal nose clip, are latex-free and have a high filtration and fluid resistance capacity.

Choose them as your allies. Wear them with care (for advice on how to choose them and use them correctly click here), both indoors and outdoors, and make sure they are always available to your loved ones.

Ask at your usual pharmacy, orthopaedics and medical supply stores for more information.

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