Alessandro Berti, Chief Regulatory and Public Affairs Officer of Moretti SpA, was yesterday elected National President of the Associazione Ausili di Confindustria Dispositivi Medici, at the Milan headquarters of Confindustria

Cavriglia, 19 July 2019

The elections of the Association of Medical Aids (Associazione Ausili) founded on 21 March were held yesterday at the Milan headquarters of Confindustria Dispositivi Medici.

By unanimous vote, the Association elected Alessandro Berti to be its President and commissioned him to be the mouthpiece of a broad-based, composite reality, which now proposes to represent and bring together all the companies in the sector of medical aids for motor disabilities and rehabilitation.

Alessandro Berti, Chief Regulatory and Public Affairs Officer of Moretti SpA, made the following comment after his appointment: “I am extremely happy and honoured by the choice made by the manufacturers of medical aids.” In this regard he also said he was surprised “by the unanimity of the votes in my favour, thanks to the esteem which Moretti enjoys on a national level.”

In conclusion, the newly-elected president expressed his gratitude to “the Fabbrini family, owners of Moretti SpA, who fully endorsed and supported my candidacy.”

The CEO of Moretti SpA, Filippo Fabbrini, also commented on his appointment and congratulated Alessandro Berti, by reiterating the importance of the role that the new Associazione Ausili di Confindustria Dispositivi Medici is required to play: “The medical aids sector now has an overriding need to interact with the institutions, and the Associazione Ausili is called upon to be the mouthpiece of a group of heterogeneous companies, whose potential is considerable.”

The Association, which aims to represent and bring together the wide range of companies engaged in making and distributing medical aids, will therefore play a vital role in collecting the demands of a heterogeneous sector of companies (consisting of large ones, small ones and start-ups) and open new and profitable communication channels with the institutions.

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