The quality of sleep is fundamental to our physical and mental well-being. Only getting proper rest restores our energy and vitality and is essential in allowing us to face the day properly.
The features of the bed and mattress are key factors in ensuring a good night’s sleep, so they should be chosen carefully according to our own needs and physical characteristics.
In the case of someone with a disability, an elderly person or someone in poor health, the importance and quality of rest are crucial and greater attention should be focused on them, based on the person’s state of health.
How do you create the right bedroom for a disabled or elderly person?
The first step in creating the right bedroom for an elderly or disabled person is choosing a suitable bed and mattress. Both the specific needs of the user and the types available on the market must be considered, as well as easy and practical use for the carers who will be moving the patient, changing the sheets and cleaning.
How do you choose a bed for a disabled or elderly person?
A bed designed specifically to ensure comfort, safety and easy movement of the patient is crucial to improving the user’s quality of life and assisting their carers and relatives.
The main features of medical beds for home care include easy movement of the upper or lower body and preparation of the sides or other mechanisms that guarantee the patient’s safety.
What distinguishes medical beds is essentially the type of movement (manual or electric) and the material used for its structure (steel or wood).
The Mopedia range by Moretti SpA includes a wide assortment of steel beds, designed and constructed in Italy, called “Tulipano”. The beds have simultaneous or alternating electrical movement of the upper or lower part of the body, using either a remote control or with manual movement by rotating handles.
The Mopedia range also includes various types of wooden beds, with a tubular steel internal structure that can be dismantled or raised in height, using electric actuators.
The distinguishing features of the Mopedia wooden models are the various patient movement options. The Geranio bed combines a head raiser with a maximum inclination of 70° with an alternating or combined leg raiser with an inclination of 40°. In addition to these functions, the Gerbera bed also has a flat raising mechanism that assists in movement a patient onto a wheelchair, for example. In addition to the above methods, the Gardenia bed also has Trendelenburg and reverse Trendelenburg positioning, which is needed in the case of shock or low blood pressure, for example.
Gardenia Gerbera Geranio
How do you choose a mattress for a disabled or elderly person?
Choice of the mattress that best suits the user’s resting needs depends on the specific features of the user’s pathology, physical characteristics and habits.
It is important to remember that, as the resting periods increase in both length and intensity, use of a “normal” mattress exposes the user to a greater risk of injury and bedsores, i.e. all the types of skin wounds that form due to rubbing and pressure of the body on the bed.
That is why an anti bedsore mattress should be used, as it helps not only to reduce the pressure and friction between the skin and the mattress, but also to maintain a correct posture and allow the skin to breathe, with a consequent reduction in dampness.
How do you choose an anti bedsore mattress?
The first step in choosing the best mattress for the user is careful assessment of their physical characteristics, first and foremost in terms of height and weight, before considering the specific pathology.
Once these aspects have been assessed to choose the best mattress in terms of capacity and size, the various types of anti bedsore solutions can then be considered: an air-bubble mattress is suitable for preventing and treating stage I pressure sores, while a mattress with interchangeable elements is suitable for stage II, III or IV pressure sores, depending on the specific characteristics: in polyurethane foam, composite or ventilated; or in hollow siliconised fibre.
Consult our product catalogue for more information on anti bedsore mattresses.
Consult our product catalogue or ask at your usual orthopaedics and healthcare products store for more information on the Mopedia range of home-care medical beds by Moretti SpA.