As our loved ones get older and the time they spend inside the house increases, it becomes necessary to organise their home to be “safe”, with a logic and with furniture that satisfy the continually evolving needs for care.

Our loved ones need functional spaces that are free of obstacles and potential hazards, with furniture that accommodates and supports them, preventing incorrect posture and satisfying specific or complex care needs.

Basically, if your loved ones still relax and watch TV on an old sofa, it might be the right time to consider purchasing a relaxing armchair, both for a question of simple comfort and well-being, and to prevent or promptly respond to the onset of painful conditions or less secure movement.

How do you choose the best relaxing armchair for them? Let us look at the details.

An armchair for relaxing and watching TV

Say goodbye to the old sofa!

If introduction of the armchair is intended as an alternative chair to avoid excess effort in getting up and sitting down and to guarantee the utmost comfort and the right support while watching TV or relaxing, the ideal solution is Ninfea: classic and elegant, with an anatomical backrest and available with or without rollers, and also in the XL version for users who are very tall or heavily built. Like all Mopedia armchairs, there are various colour options, a coordinated armchair cover kit and a remote control for movement.

An armchair for the health of the back

If you are looking for an armchair that helps your loved ones to sit properly and be comfortable, the right choice is Dafne. Its ergonomic backrest with differentiated density guarantees dedicated support for the lower back, helping to maintain the right posture and therefore protecting the health of the back. Dafne is equipped with: a roller system, for easy movement; a lift/stand-up function, to accompany movements; TV and total relaxation positions.

An armchair for anyone who has limited space, but still wants to be comfortable

If there is limited space in the living-room of your loved ones, the right choice is Agave, as it is exceptionally comfortable and compact. Agave has a high and ergonomic backrest and has both the roller system and lift/stand-up functions and the TV and total relaxation positions.

An armchair for anyone with transport problems or who wants to store the armchair in limited space when not in use

It is easy to transport and can be stored in limited space.

Our Chloe model is a soft and compact armchair, equipped with a bayonet-mount backrest that considerably reduces the dimensions when not in use. The exceptionally soft seat and backrest are made from silicon wadding and have differentiated density.

It has the stand-up and vertical lift functions, to accompany sitting down and standing up movements completely, and also the total relaxation and TV positions.

An armchair for anyone seeking a multi-purpose chair, suitable for wheelchair users

So much more than an armchair!

If you are looking for a chair designed specifically for someone who spends a lot of time sitting down every day, Myrtho is the armchair for you.

Our Myrtho model has a memory foam seat, for optimal and long-lasting comfort, and a backrest with three different densities to provide better support to the back.

It has a push bar to move it around the different rooms of the home and removable armrests to make moving the patient from another chair easier. It can also be accessorised with a table, to provide a handy surface for activities or enjoy a snack sitting comfortably in the armchair.

An armchair that becomes an actual bed, or that can be used to sit at the table

If you are looking for a multi-purpose chair that, when needed, can be used as an actual replacement bed or as a chair to sit at the table: Myrtho Class is the optimal solution.

In addition to the features and functions of our Myrtho model, this model offers the possibility of arranging the backrest, seat and footboard to reach a horizontal surface for rest, as well as the vertical lift function, designed to ensure that the armchair user can easily reach the table while remaining comfortably seated, simply by selecting the desired configuration on the remote control.

An armchair to improve blood and lymphatic circulation

Anyone suffering from circulatory problems or heavy legs, particularly in the summer, or who needs to reactivate circulation in their limbs periodically, due to limited mobility, can benefit from using our Clyzia armchair.

In addition to all the functions and features of our Myrtho Class model, it also has the Zero Gravity position, in which the legs are stretched out on the footboard and are higher than the backrest.

Clyzia also has a double footboard, for further support of the heels, a double-density seat with wadding and topper and a backrest capable of offering greater support for the lower back and softer support of the neck.


The common denominator of our range is relaxation. A result that is obtained by the right combination of design, features and functions, and one that can really make the difference in the everyday life of your loved ones.

Choose your armchair now!

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Moretti Service and Consulting è un’agenzia di comunicazione specializzata in ambito healthcare. MSC è un vero e proprio spin off aziendale, un comparto con competenze specialistiche in ambito comunicazione e marketing in grado di bilanciare le esigenze di distinzione ed innovazione che muovono la presentazione di ogni nuovo progetto con le normative e le codifiche che regolano la proposizione sul mercato di ausili e dispositivi medici.

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