The General Meeting of A.D.M. AREHA, an association that brings together manufacturers and distributors of technical aids for rehabilitation, was held in the last few days in Padua.
The agenda included the renewal of the governing bodies and the revaluation and redefinition of the Association’s objectives and strategic guidelines.
The Meeting appointed Gianfranco Pivato, Founder of Reha Team srl, as Chairman and Alessandro Berti, Representative of the Chief Operations and Public Affairs Officer for Moretti SpA, and Christian Orioles, Country Manager of Invacare Mecc San srl, as Vice Chairmen.

The voting continued to elect the Executive Board consisting of Alessandro Berti of Moretti SpA, Vassilli Berto of Vassilli srl, Vladimiro Marini of Sunrise Medical, Christian Orioles of Invacare Mecc San s.r.l., Gianfranco Pivato of Reha team s.r.l. and Angelo Pretini of Manfred Sauer Italia s.r.l..

The Meeting also provided an opportunity to emphasise the activities undertaken by the Association in order to promote and protect the interests of all members. In this regard, the Chairman Gianfranco Pivato reiterated that “there are still certain fixed principles such as the professional skills of an orthopaedic technician and the values of the specialist supply chain companies” underlining the positive feedback from the program aimed at unifying professional representation.

The points of discussion that emerged during the meeting then moved onto current developments in the markets of public and private technical aids, highlighting the consequent need for a “collaborative dialogue” – involving all the relevant stakeholders – “to enhance the quality of products and services”.
A further opportunity for discussion will undoubtedly be provided by the Forum del Comparto Ortoprotesico (Forum of the Orthopaedic Sector) where the Association has decided to continue to offer its own contribution.

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