John Donne said “No man is an island,” and we are, in fact, all part of one and the same universe in which the actions of each individual have consequences within a precarious and dynamic balance which we are all jointly responsible for.

Before they take any strategic decision, this lesson is always repeated by the Fabbrini family who have been in charge of Moretti SpA for over forty years.

In the eyes of its charter members, Fabrizio Fabbrini and Laura Cellai, and of their son Filippo, now Chief Operations Officer, the definition of every business strategy is the result of placing their desire to create shared value for all stakeholders at the heart of all their work. This involves considering total environmental and social sustainability as the only possible path towards the achievement of their business goals.

In Moretti’s view, every action is therefore like a drop into a pond that produces ever larger concentric ripples, firstly affecting the area around the company and then extending beyond it to national level, European level and even global level.

Filippo Fabbrini is the one who describes their vision of enterprise sustainability: “In the local area, our aim is to be promoters for the whole community, along a path of shared community-building where economic factors go hand-in-hand with a specific attention towards social welfare and awareness.”

This way of doing things in the company started over 40 years ago, in the heart of Valdarno. In a local context consisting of small communities and groups of people living within the same territory, everyone’s livelihood, their direct or association-based relations and the creation and enjoyment of social events were all mutually interdependent.

Here Moretti aims to contribute towards improving the quality of community life through a number of concrete, socially responsible actions.

To mention just a few examples, in the last two years, Moretti SpA has assisted the “Misericordia di San Giovanni Valdarno” in the purchase of two ambulances and a cardiac defibrillator, and provided support to the Telethon, Cure2Children and Banco Alimentare (Food Bank) charities; it has helped with the activities of Calcit (a cancer charity) and the “Fraternità della Visitazione” sheltered accommodation, and also donated funds towards restoration work to safeguard the cultural and artistic heritage.

At a social level, it has supported the parish work of those communities close to its headquarters and of various local recreational, sports and social clubs.

This commitment is an integral part of the effective development of those values that distinguish the company’s identity, where social sustainability is an intrinsic necessity in its process of growth, seen as consciousness and self-realization.

To say it in John Donne style… “When the bell tolls, it tolls for thee, too” in a natural and spontaneous form of solidarity that brings people together, creating a strong, close-knit community.

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