Are Italian companies that deal in medical devices present on social networks? If so, are they active? And what are their aims?
These questions have been analysed by Engerta Gjepali, a recent graduate from the University of Verona in the Specialisation Course on Marketing and Business Communication, who wrote a full dissertation on this topic.

Engerta contacted us a few months ago asking us to help her with her graduation project and we decided to share some information with her about our social media strategy. We did so with a promise to get in touch with her again once she had concluded her work, to talk together about the significant conclusions of the dissertation.
Good morning Engerta where did the idea for your dissertation come from?
I did an internship at Service Med SpA, a company near Verona that has worked in the field of anti-decubitus devices for more than 20 years. During that period I got curious about how Italian companies in the medical device sector communicate on social networks, differentiating the analysis between the strictly B2B companies, where the final interlocutors of their offer are solely other companies, B2B2C companies, whose products are intended for other business partners and end consumers, and B2C, i.e. companies that deal directly with end users.
How did you conduct your analysis?
I conducted several empirical studies through research in terms of quantity, aimed at trying to understand the level of diffusion on social networks, and in terms of quality, geared to analysing company strategies and perception of social networks.
And what were your conclusions?
Although social media have been extremely widespread for a number of years, we can say that there are very few medical companies that have effectively integrated them into their strategic objectives.
In terms of numbers, out of a total sample of more than 100 companies surveyed, I found that, although 72% of the companies have at least one social profile, only 31% of them are actually active on at least one platform.
And in terms of quality?
In my opinion, this is where the most interesting data is to be found. What I mean is that, thanks to the interviews I conducted, including the one with you, I was able to gain an understanding of the actual use of social networks made by Italian medical companies.
And what emerged?
The results show a general picture of delay with few examples of companies making good progress. In general, medical companies have not yet understood the potential and opportunities that these tools offer. They have begun to approach them, but without a clear strategic plan, or without actually envisaging the adoption of real methods for measuring the results obtained.
Did you investigate the causes of this status quo?
Yes. On the one hand, there are sectoral specificities relating to the complexity and nature of the topics. Producing contents for dissemination on social networks is not simple, and involves the ability of copywriters to interpret in simple terms the information provided by product specialists, research and development managers or specialists in the field of standards…
And on the other hand?
On the other hand, in general, I found a managerial culture that is often reluctant to identify social networks as a tool directly associated with commercial objectives.
What advice would you give to companies in our industry?
I would advise them to broaden their vision and re-evaluate social networks as a valuable means for spreading their culture, involving their employees, showing their results or recounting their history in order to enhance their image or reputation.
And more specifically what about us from Moretti?
Yours is one of those cases I referred to earlier, which seem to be making good progress. Moretti has a precise position on social networks and a communication procedure that is effectively integrated into its business objectives. My advice to you might be to look carefully at those companies (foreign ones, in particular) which have been using these tools for quite some time now.
Thanks Engerta! Best wishes for your future!