Il Point srl is a relatively young company, which in its current set-up was established in the year 2000. The company is, however, the result of more than 10 years’ previous; it was conceived way back in 1986 by Claudio, a young orthopaedic technician, and his wife ???.
From that moment, the business vision of the Giordani family has featured a growth process which has never stopped, thanks to its ability at being dynamic and ready to deal with the continuous market changes.

Claudio, what is “Il Point” today?

Il Point is a company which consists of three different retail shops: the largest one has over 600 sq.m of floor space and is located near the centre of Verona while the other two are in the surgical hub of the Borgo Trento hospital and in the Legnago hospital. Il Point is a sound, well-established company, which includes more than 30 employees and 20 external freelance staff. The majority shareholder of the company shareholding structure is Vivisol, a company belonging to the Sol Spa group of Monza, a multinational corporation operating in 24 European countries in the production of technical and medical gases, home health care products and biotechnologies.

We live in a market context which can be defined as a crossroads of enormous changes. What kind of future do you see for your company?

Il Point has always been a company strongly geared to innovation. Our main pathway is towards meeting the increasingly complex and customised needs of our customers and for this reason we are working on the construction of an orthopaedic laboratory near our sales premises in Verona.

Your company has been a customer of ours for many years. What element unites you to Moretti?

My relationship with Moretti can be described in one word “consultancy”. When seeking supplies of health aids and devices, I’ve always found Moretti a helpful and expert interlocutor in a human relationship which I think has helped both of us to grow and develop. Moretti has always taken care of my requests, understanding the issues of my customers and, at the same time, has never limited its services to the supply of products but has always opened its doors to me with great professionalism and approachability.
Another factor that draws me to Moretti is the desire for innovation; with Moretti I feel like I’m “looking from the same side”, or rather, that I have “the same point of view” on the future.

For further information on Il Point srl in Verona
please call this number: +39 045-580892

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