The closure of gyms and sports centres, working from home, the closure of business activities and the recommendation to go out as little as possible have all contributed to exacerbating our sedentary lifestyle.
We move from the desk to the dining table, from the sofa to the bed, leading an inactive and unhealthy life that could damage our health over the medium and long term.
The World Health Organisation has warned against the adverse effects of a sedentary lifestyle, stating: “a sedentary lifestyle increases the causes of mortality, doubles the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, gives rise to overweight and obesity, increases the risk of colon cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, metabolic disorders, depression and anxiety”.

These are risks that we cannot ignore and for which, in addition to a basic change in our routine as soon as possible, we have to consider carefully the postures we assume every single day and attempt to eliminate their deleterious effects.

Where to start?
How do you sit at a desk? Do you suffer from frequent back or neck pain?

Carefully monitoring our state of health and our habitual posture is the first step in identifying a genuine plan of action to help our joints and our general state of well-being.
If your work routine involves lengthy periods sitting at a desk, the first step has to be assessing whether your position is correct and the possible ways of improving it.
Use of a positioning cushion can offer valid support in this.

A positioning cushion for your chair
Incorrect posture when sitting at a desk can lead to pain in your back, neck, legs and tailbone and even the pelvic area.

A lower-back support or an anatomical, wedge-shaped, U-shaped, round or oval cushion can help to correct incorrect posture, provide additional support and offer relief in the case of specific problems, such as recovery after surgery, bedsores, haemorrhoids or prostatitis.
Let us look at several types in detail.

Lower-back support
A cushion to attach to the back of the chair used at the desk, or to position on the car seat, thanks to an adjustable strap. This offers tangible support in keeping the back straight when remaining seated for lengthy periods.

Wedge-shaped cushion
A slight sliding forwards is the main effect of using this type of cushion on a chair.
Its specific shape does, in fact, push the pelvis forward and thus helps to maintain the natural curve of the backbone.

Anatomical cushion
This offers valuable support in all cases where it is necessary to relieve pressure on the bones, including the pelvis. It is widely used for long-term care or in periods of recovery after surgery.

Round, U-shaped and oval cushions
We are all different! The comfort of a cushion is subjective, so it is necessary to assess for ourselves the actual comfort we gain from using a positioning cushion. This is particularly important during recovery after surgery or in the case of bedsores, haemorrhoids or prostate problems. In all these cases, it is possible to choose the solution that suits us best, whether that is a U-shaped, round or oval cushion.

Prostate cushion
Unlike the other cushions, the “prostate” cushion is a prevention aid that relieves ischial pressure. It has an anatomical shape, with a central hole, and can be used on a chair or car seat, in all cases of sedentary behaviour.

Rotating cushion
This cushion is specifically designed to help people who have difficulty moving their legs. The rotating cushion has an anti-slip base and a padded seat that rotates on a rigid internal support.

Multi-purpose orthopaedic backrest
This is a complete support that can be used to “create” a custom seat for anyone who is bedridden for lengthy periods of time. It is formed of a backrest, a headrest and armrests and provides support when reading, eating or watching television, as it maintains the right posture in bed.

Neck cushion
Last but not least is the neck cushion. Although not specifically relating to the seat, it offers a valid support in maintaining correct posture when seated. It is ideal for use in the case of muscle tension in the neck area, as it provides additional support both when travelling and when sitting in an armchair.

Contact us for more information on the Opera and Sinfonia cushions by Moretti

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