This month, the “Customer of the month” column is dedicated to Ortopedia Michelotti, a multifaceted company which has used its many years of experience to specialise in certain products.
Claudio Giordani from Il Point Srl tells us about the details and objectives of a well-established company geared to innovation.
Moretti SpA welcomes Giuseppe Giosuè and puts its trust in his experience for the development of the project on the Tiboda electric power drive.
An intricate process allows us to turn a proposal or an idea into a product bearing the Moretti name; let’s take a look at the basic steps.
The deadline for the second LEA update expires on 28 February. Here’s what to expect from this major update to the new “nomenclatore tariffario”
MSC is a bona fide corporate division, a team that specialises in online and offline communication in the healthcare sector
From the words of Toffler to the analysis of the progress made thanks to our conviction towards change. Moretti sums up an extraordinary 2017 and looks forward to a highly successful 2018 for all of you.
For DNV – PRESAFE SYSTEMS Moretti SpA is one of the first companies to be awarded ISO 9001: 2015 certification and the new ISO 13425: 2016 certification.
The recent General Meeting of A.D.M. AREHA elected Alessandro Berti, Representative of the Chief Operations and Public Affairs Officer of Moretti SpA, as Executive Board member and Vice Chairman.
Moretti SpA took part in the Assobiomedica delegation on the State Mission to New Delhi where Italy and India signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Health sector matters and launched a permanent technical discussion group with a view to strengthening cooperation between the two countries.