She visited the Exposanità on her Tiboda, accompanying many people in trying it out. Here, she tells us about her experience and who struck her the most.
Moretti SpA is taking the field with the Italian Amputees National Football Team at the World Championships!
Moretti will be present at Exposanità from 18 to 20 April at Bologna Fiere
Claudio Giordani from Il Point Srl tells us about the details and objectives of a well-established company geared to innovation.
Barbara Cavandoli, director of the Polis Foundation, tells us about the foundation’s goals and activities.
The third Forum Congress of the Organisations in the Orthopaedic Sector, of which Moretti is sponsor, will take place on 17, 18 and 19 April at Exposanità.
Moretti SpA welcomes Giuseppe Giosuè and puts its trust in his experience for the development of the project on the Tiboda electric power drive.
An intricate process allows us to turn a proposal or an idea into a product bearing the Moretti name; let’s take a look at the basic steps.
Dal 18 al 21 Aprile 2018 Bologna – Quartiere Fieristico SETTORE HORUS – PADIGLIONE 16 – STAND B36 EXPOSANITÀ 21′ mostra internazionale al servizio della …
The deadline for the second LEA update expires on 28 February. Here’s what to expect from this major update to the new “nomenclatore tariffario”